Saturday, July 31, 2010


Protoss Character from StarCraft 2. Modeled in 3ds Max, the rest in Zbrush.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Zerg Creature

Ok, these were fully modeled and initially painted in Zbrush (finally figured that out). The individual picture was a Photoshop mixing of various renderings to give the desired material look for different parts of the creature. The creature is a mixture of a Zerg Lurker and Hydralist from Starcraft 2.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Demon Head

This was a result of some playing around with the premade human head. Loosely based off the "Angel of Death" from Hellboy 2.

Another Face

This slightly less creepy face is of a Gnome, or something like that. Still trying to get textures working as I want them to in Zbrush so this was just painted over in PS.

After looking at it some more it also kinda looks like it could be Miss Piggy's Grandfather.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My face

Well, this creepy thing is me. Based of a picture and a mirror. Not quite the greatest yet, but not really that bad either. I definitely need to work on my proportions (Chin-Mouth-Nose-Eyes are not quite to scale).

3ds Max and an Alien

The 3ds max stuff was done completely in 3ds max, no other programs were used.

I quickly got bored of doing the little alien so I just threw it together to max a Semi-finished version. Painted it in Photoshop, didn't take much more than an hour to do.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Zombie Monster

This was again created completely in Zbrush. Then I decided to paint the front view in Photoshop.

Friday, July 23, 2010

More Day 1 Experimenting

Dragon/Creature's Head with mouth open. Have not tried to figure out putting a few different things together besides eyes at this point, which would be useful for filling the inside of the mouth in.

My first Zbrush model

Downloaded the 30 day trial for Zbrush and after a few video tutorials I decided to make something. Here is my Octo-face thing (even tho it only has 7 legs). Fully done in Zbrush.

...yes, it looks like Davy Jones.